Wednesday 29 February 2012

This level of posting enthusiasm can't last.

I'm thinking of renaming this blog "The Grammatical Error." I keep spotting irksome errors in tense but can't face editing on this stupid iPhone. Just know I see them and they will, at some point, be fixed. 

Blogging every day is difficult! I don't have much to report today. Last night, I got a shitty night's sleep. I can't bitch - or rather, I shouldn't bitch because, come on, I'm practically a pro at bitching - since the baby has been a kick-ass sleeper since she was about six weeks old. I wish I could get good and smug, and boast about my top notch parenting skills, but it's just luck. She's got her father's laid back, adaptable temperament. 

Last night though, she was a total jerk. She's still in our room - we plan to move her into the nursery at six months old, if my professional builder/carpenter of a partner ever gets round to finishing it. She kept fidgeting and snuffling, which never fails to send a bolt of anxiety through me because I'm sure she's about to wake up wailing. I guess it must be some animal response to my young - ie "be aware of your baby at all times, yes, EVEN when you put fresh sheets on the bed tonight and had a delicious nightcap and DO NOT want to be roused. You didn't go through the dirge of pregnancy and birth to have your helpless infant carried off by a mountain lion."

So I kept hopping up, popping her dummy in and getting resettled, only to have to repeat the process four seconds later. After about ten minutes of this, I started to get all huffy - you know, stage-whispering shit like "Y'know I'M tired too. At least ONE OF US gets things DONE around here." I'm not very proud of myself. J is working this ridiculous job that has him up at 4.30am and not home til after 9.00pm each night, and he's one of those annoying bastards who never complains about anything. Ever. 

So I finally admitted defeat and got up to feed and change her and OMG COULD THIS POST BE ANY MORE BORING? Long story short, I got a crappy night's sleep, felt bad about being a bitch to J, the end. 

I'll try and rob a bank tomorrow or something, so I have something noteworthy to talk about. 

PS - I didn't write all these stupid posts today; I must reset the time zone to GMT. 

1 comment:

  1. you may not have written them all in one day but I read the last 3 all today. Good on ya!

