Sunday 4 March 2012

Sunday bloody Sunday.

Thanks for continuing to comment. For some stupid reason, I can't respond in the comments because I have no profile under which to leave them. Which makes no sense, since I'm signed in under my profile. IRRITATING. Blogger, get your shit together. 

It's been a Sunday sort of Sunday, if you know what I mean. We got up and crunched toast in our jammies before I lasso'd everyone into to good clothes for church. (Long story, my plan to mend J's hypocritical theological ways was to enforce his attendance at any Roman Catholic church of his choice until the Easter period. Somehow, I'm now part of the outing, thanks to J being some sort of magician trickster. Bonus: we go to the pub afterward to watch the Six Nations rugby. Anti-bonus: Ireland drew with France today, so I had to deal with him sulking and moaning like a little bitch for like 45 minutes. Secret: I don't mind church and I'm 100% atheist. But don't tell him that - I prefer to be a martyr.)

I spent awhile in my music room, fiddling (HAHA) with some cello arrangements. I love practicing, except for one thing. Whenever I'm concentrating on something intently, I clench my teeth together really hard. I don't even know I'm doing it. Every time, without fail, when I get up from practicing for a cup of tea or something, I think I've come down with raging tetanus because I can barely open my mouth.  

It's night here now, and I've got that crappy Sunday-feeling. J back to working crazy hours tomorrow, the week stretching out in front of me, the endless monotony of childcare and cooking etc. I'm usually back into the swing of things by Tuesday. BOO HOO POOR ME. I need to quit complaining! J is self employed and has, AT LEAST, a year's work guaranteed. In his line of work and in this climate that's pretty unusual. 

As you can tell by the entertainment value of this post, I did not succeed in my quest to rob a bank. I know it's pretty dull, but I said this would be the blog I'd finally stick with, and damnit, I'm going to. Even if it's too dull to read. 


  1. The thing is, it's boring to you but riveting to the people reading. We're easily amused.

  2. True Jane, I am loving it.

